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Gem Files
The heart of the File-A-Gem System is the individual file in a clear, fitted vinyl sleeve.
Gem Files
The heart of the File-A-Gem System is the individual file in a clear, fitted vinyl sleeve.
Appraisal Folders
Stylish presentation for a diamond or gem that deserves special attention!
Appraisal Folders
Stylish presentation for a diamond or gem that deserves special attention!
Box Brokers Group
Learn how to effectively display for increased revenue!
Box Brokers Group
Learn how to effectively display for increased revenue!
Marketing Promotions
Many retailers have discovered a great way to build their store brand awareness in a
“Is this a real diamond?” giveaway promotion.
Marketing Promotions
Many retailers have discovered a great way to build their store brand awareness in a
“Is this a real diamond?” giveaway promotion.
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